Buying Drones for sale can be a good way to have a true\\r\\npersonal fly-by-night feel of freedom, when you have been waiting to make the\\r\\nmove from having to work for someone else all your life. Before you buy,\\r\\nhowever, there are several things that you will need to know. There are remote\\r\\ncontrolled planes, which can be flown by one person in the presence of another.\\r\\nThis is a great choice if you are just starting out and learning how to fly a\\r\\nreal RC helicopter or airplane and then eventually want to make your own. The\\r\\nsmaller ones are easy to fly indoors, and even though the propane may run out\\r\\nafter only a short flight time, they still make for a good beginner\\\'s RC plane\\r\\nthat you can easily use indoors.